We can learn from others by imitating admirable behavior and avoiding despicable actions. A Japanese saying puts it concisely: Correct your manners by watching those of others.
There is a similar saying of Biblical and Mosaic origin, known as the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31). I find this saying puzzling; what I like being done to me may be displeasing or even repulsive to someone else. This saying, in short, is decisively prescriptive.
The Golden Rule, also so known, in Confucius’s Analects, while similar, is passive; it states prohibitively: What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others. Do and Don’t mark the distinction. Interestingly, Rabbinic Judaism in the words of Rabbi Hillel, matches Confucius: Do not do to others what you would not have done to you (Tobit 4:16).
All this had been debated at length through the centuries from Kant to George Bernard Shaw and beyond. The Japanese saying, significantly, is peculiarly Japanese; it is directive but passively and reflectively.
All this reflection came about as I remembered how Mother habitually said these words: Correct your manners by watching those of others. In my rebellious youth, I may have ignored them, but so long as I remember I had them deeply incised in my heart and as I matured I accepted them seriously. Reflecting in old age, I could say proudly that through my life I followed them as best as I could, except, being a contrarian by nature, I often rejected what was considered proper among those I observed and chose my way away from it or against it.
これと似た様な表現が英語にもありますね。キリスト教、更に遡ってモーセの掟で、『自分にして欲しいことは、相手にもせよ」(マテオ 7章12節、ルカ 6章31節)。でも、奇妙なのは、自分に気に入ったことが相手には不快なだったり、嫌だったりすることもあるでしょう。つまり、この表現は決定的に行動を規定するものです。
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