Friday, July 5, 2013

Straight Gaze - 直視

In the West, at least in the contemporary Western society that I know firsthand, two people in conversation face each other and look straight into each other’s eyes as they talk.  The straight gaze promises and assures interaction.  The averted gaze suggests inattention, if not evasion, and raises suspicion.  In Japanese convention, even today, the averted glance is understood as common courtesy. Looking straight into the eyes of the person you are talking to, is seen as aggressive and confrontational; to avoid this impression, one looks slightly off the center so that the eyes don’t quite meet.  Meeting a superior, one is expected to keep the eyes low.  Only momentarily upon first meeting, one may look into the eyes of the other person in recognition but then immediately bow the head in greeting. Early visitors in Japan felt the averted gaze as demure in women, insincere in men, and definitely underhanded in business transactions.  In general, Japanese don’t use eyes for expressiveness. They don’t roll up their eyes; a sideways glance is seen as too stealthy; a glare is stagy; goggling is vulgar.  They frown but without squinching up the face.  In fact, Japanese vowels are pronounced with minimal reshaping of the mouth -- no gaping, no pouting, no pulling flat.  Japanese facial expressions are naturally placid. Inscrutable, indeed. 


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