Living into old age is considered felicitous in all cultures. Life is precious and to have it cut short is no doubt a great misfortune, even though in long perspective one can not really be sure that is so. There are those who die before 40 and accomplish much, while others live to 100 and leave behind little they can be proud of. People are certainly living longer today than, say, a century ago. To some extent modern medicine has been aiding longevity but too often for its own sake with tubes and various mechanical devices without regard for its quality. What is really to be celebrated is a prolonged good life -- fukuju rather than mere chôju in Japanese or bongevity in my coinage, as distinct from longevity.
A happy long life or bongevity requires, first of all, good health, naturally, and a modestly comfortable fund to insure it. But in my pursuit of bongevity, I also attend to these five disciplines: setting a clear purpose in living day by day, finding joy in the immediate world, avoiding unnecessary worries, exercising compassion, and surrounding myself with a circle of good friends.
To insure good health, one must be kind to one’s own body. This does not mean engaging in rigorous exercises, but developing a habit of simple diligence in doing anything, that is, making effort in everyday affairs where effort is called for, like walking, climbing up and down the stairs, keeping house, running errands and carrying stuff; strictly to be avoided are slacking and slouching. Then, one must eat well, that is, choose simple but wholesome food and eat lightly and mindfully. Physical well-being is to an extent promised by a comfortable finance, and this has to be planned long ahead; living frugally with minimal luxury and saving from early in one’s working years assure a comfortable asset in retirement, which in turn removes material worries in day-to-day living in old age; but the habit of saving also trains us to continue living thriftily, that is, simply but not parsimoniously.
Setting willfully a full agenda of satisfying activities day by day gives a focus and purpose in living and sharpens our awareness of our own good life in the making and provides an enormous source of happiness. Living with a purpose and in contentment naturally disposes us to stop worrying where worrying is futile and helps us to observe more attentively every little thing that goes around us, and enjoy it. Through my life I trained myself to enjoy work as best as I can, and in retirement I am enjoying not working even more, doing what I like to do and doing little of what I don’t like, or else training myself to like doing what I cannot avoid doing even though it’s not what I prefer to do. A happy disposition is an aura that often brings happiness to others but also makes one irresistibly generous and compassionate and makes us find gratification in giving. One can be happy alone and I am not gregarious by nature; still, a circle of good friends, not acquaintances but true friends, is a huge solace, aside from a pet at home and, not to be underrated, ghosts from the past, that is to say, the wealth of happy memories.
Misfortune could befall anyone at any place and any time. But, so far, putting in practice what I preach, I find myself at 80 thoroughly fulfilled in the state of bongevity.
長生きをするのは何処の文化でもおめでたい事とされています。命は尊いもの,短い人生は確かにに不幸な事ですけど,長い目で見ると必ずしもそうとは云えないみたいです。40才前にこの世を去っても,偉大な業績を残す人もあれば,又100迄生きても特に誇らしいものなく一生を終える人もいます。一世紀前と比べて今近の一生はずっと長くなっています。これはある程度,近代の医学によるものですが、しばしば 器械や管を体に入れて 命を保つのみで,生き甲斐というものは考慮に入れてない場合が多い様です。本当に祝うべきは,生きる幸福感を長引かせる事でしょう。つまり,単なる長寿よりも福寿、英語には適当な言葉がありませんけど,私なりの新造語で,longevityに対してbongevityとでも云いましょうか。
健康を保つには,自分の体に親切である事,ただしこれは激しい運動に夢中になるのではなくて,何事をするにもまめに体を動かす習慣を養う事,つまり,徒歩,階段の上り下り, 家事、用足し,ものの持ち運び、といった、毎日の努力を必要とする仕事をするのに手を抜かないこと,なにより避けるべきは無精怠慢。それから、簡素なりとも健康な食べ物を選び,軽い食事を良く味わって楽しむ事。健康を得るには、ある程度の金融に頼らなければなりませんが,これには長期間の計画が必要です。職業に就いたら早くから,贅沢を避けつましい生活を保って貯金する事によって,引退後の財源を作り、老後の毎日の生活の不安を取り除く事になります。それに,倹約の習慣は,後々迄つましい生き方を養います。つましいというのは,簡素な事で,けちけちする事ではありません。
生活の目標を立てるというのは,日毎, 意図して充実した日程を立てる事、つまりその日に成し遂げる仕事を十分計画して実行する事で、そうすると,生き甲斐のある毎日が鋭く意識され、幸福感をもたらせる様になります。目的と満足感のある生活を得ると,自然、心配しても無駄な取り越し苦労が無意味になって,身の回りの世界を,仔細な事迄,深く観察する様になり,それが楽しくなるものです。私は,職についていた時から常に出来るだけ仕事を楽しむ様に努めて来ましたので,引退後は無職の状態をより増して楽しみ,やりたいことをやり、やりたくないことはやらないという訳です。幸福感の状態は他人に影響する香気の様なものがあり,それ故に寛大さ,同情の気持ちが強く働き,ひとに与える喜びとか満足感が出て来ます。私は元々, 社交的とは云えない方で,一人の生活でも満足ですけど,友人,単なる知り合いではなくて,本当の親しい友人、に囲まれている事は何よりの慰みです。飼っている動物もいいし,それに過去の亡霊,つまり多くの楽しい思い出も無視出来ません。
PS. By coincidence, two weeks after writing this commentary, I encountered a quotation by one Philodemus, a disciple of Epicurus, who, summarizing the true principle of Epicurianism as simple living rather than life of indulgent luxury, wrote that it is impossible to live pleasurably “without living prudently and honourably and justly, and also without living courageously and temperately and magnanimously, and without making friends, and without being philanthropic.”
(Stephen Greenblatt, The Swerve: How the World Became Modern, W. W. Norton, 2011, p. 77)
追記。偶然,この一文を書いて二週間のち、エピクロスの弟子、フィロデモスの引用に遭遇しましたが,エピクロスの快楽主義の真髄は、贅沢散漫ではなくて素朴な生活である事を論じて,「慎重な、そして公正、率直な,尊敬を得るような生き方をせずに、勇気,節制,鷹揚雅量にも欠け、又友人を持たず,慈善を施す事を知らずに過ごしては」快楽に満ちた一生は不可能なことである、と。(スティーヴン グリーンブラット著,一四一七年,その一冊がすべてを変えた,柏書房、2012)
Monday, April 15, 2013
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