Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Eating Light - 腹八分 - Hara Hachibu

I have never been a heavy eater.  After all, I grew up with a wartime starvation diet and have a small stomach.  Still, having acculturated to the American way of ample life, such as attested in the humongous serving at restaurants, I have been enjoying eating to full satisfaction, which accounted, I realize, for my recent waxing waistline, about which I wrote earlier.  Since I started weighing myself every morning, I developed quickly a habit of eating less than full, not beyond the point at which I still crave for a little more, and I feel much healthier and I am sure I am.  The Japanese has the expression hara hachibu, meaning 80 percent full, and I remember Mother often said it and practiced it, too.  Keeping to 80 percent, we never feel that particular feeling of indolence we have when we exclaim, “Oh, I’m so full.”  It occurs to me that a glass filled to the brim inevitably spills.


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