Monday, September 15, 2014

Panna cotta とんだこった

My top favorite dessert since childhood is anything with egg in the ingredients, particularly the family of egg pudding: custard, crème caramel, crème brûlée, flan, panna cotta and such.  So, if I saw any of these on the dessert menu, I know I’d be irresistibly tempted.  When I eat out, rarely alone and normally with friends, I don’t even look at the dessert menu.  I am well disciplined with regard to my diabetes. But a couple of weeks ago, lured by my companion at an Italian restaurant, I saw Panna Cotta on the menu; I couldn’t resist it and ordered it.  The first panna cotta in many years, it was expensive ($10) but large and delicious.  It was heavenly. For the next two days, however, my tongue remained stubbornly sweet, and I knew I consumed too much glucose and regretted it sorely.  I swore I will not do it again. 


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