Saturday, February 20, 2010

Blocked view

I have nothing against tall men; tall handsome men can be delightful. But when a tall man walks in front me on a crowded sidewalk, I am inordinately annoyed because he blocks the view of my path just like an SUV driving in front of me. There is always that perturbation arising from the uncertainty that it might at any time slow down and I might incur a rear end collision. I am above average in height; so, I must qualify and say, instead of tall men, men taller than I, and women, too. A tall big head in front of me, male or female, annoys me, too, in a theater; but there is no impending fear, is there, of bumping into it.


  1. I don't know if you ever heard from Pat, but I have a disproportionate complex about my height. I am of average height for Japanese female, but my older sisters are taller than me, which seems to be the source of my complex. Therefore, I have a tendency to dislike taller people cause I feel like they're looking down on me! One advantage for being short and small is traveling by plane, though.

  2. My lifelong partner, with whom I spent 40 years, was also short even among Japanese, and she called herself, half in jest, a dwarf. So as to have her feet reach the floor, she sawed off a bit of the legs of her chairs and stools, and, so, when I sat next to her she was conspicuously short. She could curl up on the plane seat as only children could.
